Saturday, June 26, 2021

Psalm 84 Morning Prayer on the Mountain 26 June 2021

Psalm 84.5 

Fulfilled are those who know

That in each moment

The One dwells within us

And in each moment

We dwell within the One.     (Translation Rabbi Yael Levy, in Directing the Heart)


Everything is Smiling

Arms raised in orans

Ponderosa pine are praying

Everything is smiling 

Around me

Within me.

Sitting on soft dirt

Beside chance medicine circle 

How many hands placed the stones

Pinecones conceiving

Mary’s ripe almond mondorla?

Balmy vanilla air

Kisses the longing

The something more

Within me the praying pines

The medicine circle

Arms raised in orans

I am

Ponderosa pines praying

Mary’s ripe almond mondorla

Everything is smiling. 

Around me

Within me.